DIGITAL - HI TECH (DHT) API and Plug-in Support to promote ease of integration
DHT's API is modifiable in multiple languages, making it easier to adopt because centralized platforms don't require a lot of investment to make decentralized modifications.
On the other hand, the DIGITAL - HI TECHPlug-in (DHT) is intended to meet the specific and more complex needs of vertical markets.
Advantages of API and DIGITAL - HI TECHPlug-in (DHT):
1. Enables highly targeted development without fully understanding blockchain technology, making it easier to enrich functionality.
2. Support parallel development and improve debugging and development processes.
3. Reduce barriers to entry to solve real-world problems with Blockchain technology.
PreviousMismatch between developed blockchain technology and business needs.NextTargeting Vertical Markets via the DIGITAL - HI TECH (DHT) SDK
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