ID DHT integrates user information.

One of the main Blockchain challenges affecting user adoption is due to the existence of unintelligible public key addresses of more than 20 digits. Only a handful of public chains, such as EOS, have recognized and solved this problem to a small extent. For example, with a reference to EOS, each registered address will require resource consumption and therefore it will be expensive to own multiple addresses.

To work around this limitation, DHT TOKEN (DHT) proposes to use an alias to create an account name that can be easily understood and remembered by users, which reduces the blockchain usage threshold. Furthermore, managing multiple addresses under a single account name results in lower resource consumption, avoiding the need to memorize public key addresses of more than 20 digits, but nicknames that users can freely use. applicable, hosted via blockchain.

For existing accounts, it becomes unnecessary to record complex and specific information when associated with an DHT ID. After DHT ID creates a new sub-account, addressing also becomes unnecessary. This is convenient for the end user as Alias ​​serves as a marker of the user's DHT ID, connecting various sub-accounts through the DHT TOKEN Reputation Protocol (DHT), and contributing to the reputation of the user. users' trust and raise awareness of their "second identity" β€” the DHT ID.

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